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Bloodlines are unique abilities in Shindo Life that give access to different powers derived from the Naruto anime. There are three different types of Bloodlines: Eye Bloodlines, Clan Bloodlines, and Elemental Bloodlines.

Obtaining a Bloodline

KG Screen

GUI for spinning Bloodlines

In order to obtain a Bloodline, head to the Main Menu > Edit > Bloodlines.

Once the user is in the Bloodline menu, they will see 2 slots each saying "click to spin". A player can unlock two more Bloodline slots by purchasing "Bloodline Slot 3" and "Bloodline Slot 4"

In order to roll Bloodlines, spins are required. Spins are obtained via Twitter/YouTube codes posted on RELLGames' YouTube and Twitter, completing daily missions, playing the Arena gamemode, or from My Home. New codes come out once a Subscriber goal is reached, an update comes out, or whenever the developers feel like it.

New players start off with 15 spins.

These are the available Bloodlines:

Eye Bloodline Icon Rarity Levels # of Modes
Jokei Jokei2 1/80 0-1,000 3
Akuma Akuma 1/65 0-1,300 7
Dokei Ketsurygan1 1/35 0-800 2
Bankai-Akuma Bankai-Akuma 1/90 0-1,000 4
Arahaki-Jokei ArahakiJokei 1/140 0-1,000 3
Shiver-Akuma Shiver-Akuma 1/80 0-800 4
Raion-Akuma RaionAkuma 1/95 0-1,000 4
Satori-Akuma Satori-Akuma 1/85 0-1,000 4
Tengoku Tengoku 1/150 0-700 1
Rengoku Rengoku2 1/100 0-1,000 5
Sengoku Sengoku 1/160 0-1,500 3
Riser-Akuma Riser-Akuma 1/140 0-1,000 4
Renshiki Renshiki 1/150 0-1,000 2
Shindai-Akuma Shindai 1/200 0-1,000 4
Raion-Rengoku RaionRengoku 1/170 0-1,500 2
Light-Jokei Light Jokei 1/150 0-1,000 3
Dark-Jokei DarkJokei 1/200 0-1,000 3
Deva-Rengoku Deva-Rengoku 1/13, Deva Boss 0-700 1
Deva-Sengoku Deva-Sengoku 1/200 0-700 1
Xeno-Dokei Xeno-Dokei 1/170 0-1,000 2
Renshiki-Gold Renshiki Gold 1/250 0-1,000 2
Forged-Rengoku Forged Rengoku 1/13, Forged Boss 0-600 1
Forged-Sengoku Forged Sengoku 1/250 0-600 1
Raion-Sengoku Raion-Sengoku 1/300 0-1,500 1
Sarachia-Akuma Sarachia 1/200 0-800 4
Sarachia-Gold Sarachia-Gold 1/300 0-800 4
Shindai-Rengoku Shindai-Ren 1/25, Shindai Rengoku Event 0-800 2
Shindai-Rengoku-Yang ShindaiRenYang 1/300 0-800 2
Raion-Azure Raion-Azure 1/300 0-1,500 2
Bankai-Inferno Bankai-Inferno 1/250 0-600 1
Satori-Rengoku Satori-Rengoku 1/300 0-1,500 1
Satori-Gold Satori-Gold 1/400 0-1,500 1
Riser-Inferno Riser-Inferno 1/300 0-600 1
Doku-Tengoku Doku-Tengoku 1/250 0-1,500 1
Doku-Scorpion Doku-Scorpion 1/300 0-1,500 1
Gold-Jokei Gold-Jokei 1/250 0-1,000 3
Sengoku-Inferno Sengoku Inferno 1/400 0-1,500 3
Tengoku-Platinum TengokuPlat 1/400 0-1,000 1
Obi-Ren-Kengoku ObiRen 1/400 0-1,000 5
Raion-Gaiden RaionGaidenLogo 1/250 0-1,500 1
Sengoku-Gaiden SengokuGaidenLogo 1/250 0-1,500 1
Renshiki-Ruby RenshikiRuby 1/300 0-1,000 2
Gura-Rengoku GuraRengoku 1/300 0-1,000 1
Shindai-Ramen Shindai Ramen 1/300 0-1,000 2
Xeno-Azure XenoAzure 1/250 0-1,000 2
Indra-Akuma Indra 1/350 0-1,500 1
Indra-Akuma-Purple Indra-Purple 1/400 0-1,500 1
Kamaki-Akuma Kamaki-Akuma 1/350 0-2,000 3
Kamaki-Inferno Kamaki-Inferno 1/400 0-2,000 3
Raiden-Saberu Raiden 1/350 0-1,500 1
Raiden-Gold Raiden Gold 1/400 0-1,500 1

Clan Bloodline Icon Rarity Levels # of Modes
Kokotsu Kaguya 1/35 0-700 1
Senko Senko2 1/45 0-700 1
Kaijin Kajin 1/45 0-600 1
Minakami Minakami2 1/45 0-500 1
Azarashi Azarashi 1/55 0-700 2
Shado Shado 1/30 0-500 1
Kerada Karada2 1/70 0-700 1
Rykan-Shizen Rykan-Shizen 1/110 0-1,000 3
Dio-Senko Dio-Senko 1/125 0-1,500 2
Wanziame Hoshgaki 1/40 0-700 1
Nectar Nectar 1/75 0-700 1
Shizen Shizen 1/80 0-1,000 3
Glacier Yukiiceicon 1/40 0-500 1
Eternal Jashin icon 1/90 0-700 1
Okami Okami 1/50 0-700 1
Azim-Senko AzimSenko 1/130 0-700 1
Koncho Konchu 1/70 0-700 1
Saberu Saberu 1/75 0-1,300 1
Kenichi Kenichi 1/150 0-1,000 2
Dangan Dangan 1/70 0-700 1
Seishin Seishin 1/130 0-700 1
Hair Hair 1/140 0-500 1
Mecha-Spirit MechaSpirit 1/150 0-600 2
Odin-Saberu OdinSaberu 1/130 0-1,300 1
Pika-Senko PikaSenko 1/120 0-1,000 1
Cobra Cobra 1/130 0-1,000 1
Giovanni-Shizen GiovanniShizen 1/160 0-1,000 2
Kabu-Cobra KabuCobra 1/200 0-1,000 1
Jotaro-Shizen JotaroShizen 1/200 0-1,000 2
Ghost-Korashi Ghost-Korashi 1/200 0-700 1
Inferno-Korashi Inferno-Korashi 1/300 0-700 1
Narumaki Narumaki 1/200 0-1500 2
Yang-Narumaki Yang-Narumaki 1/300 0-1500 2
Borumaki Borumaki 1/200 0-1,500 2
Borumaki-Gold Borumaki-Gold 1/300 0-1,500 2
Kamaki Kamaki 1/170 0-2,000 2
Kamaki-Amethyst Kamaki-Amethyst 1/300 0-2,000 2
Minakaze Minakaze 1/250 0-1,000 1
Minakaze-Azure Azure-Minakaze 1/300 0-1,000 1
Narumaki-Ruby Narumaki-Ruby 1/300 0-1,500 2
Ryuji-Kenichi Ryuji-Kenichi 1/200 0-1,000 2
Ryuji-Platinum Ryuji-Platinum 1/300 0-1,000 2
Jayramaki Jayramaki 1/170 0-1,500 1
Eastwood-Korashi Eastwood-Korashi 1/250 0-1,000 1
Jayramaki-Azure Jayramaki-Azure 1/200 0-1,500 1
Dio-Azure Dio-Azure 1/300 0-1,500 2
Alphirama-Shizen Alphirama-Shizen 1/200 0-1,250 1
Shiro-Glacier Shiro-Glacier 1/250 0-1,000 1
Kagoku Kagoku 1/300, 1/20 (Kagoku Event) 0-1,000 1
Kagoku-Platinum Kagoku-Platinum 1/500 0-1,000 1
Vanhelsing Vanhelsing 1/160 0-1,000 1
Vengeance Vengeance 1/300 0-1,000 1
Six-Paths-Narumaki NarumakiSP 1/200 0-1,500 2
Jinshiki Jinshiki 1/200 0-1,000 0
Dio-Senko-Rose Dio-Senko-Rose 1/300 0-1,500 2
Sun-Knight SunKnight 1/300 0-1,000 1
Rune-Koncho Ares-Konchu 1/200 0-700 1
Strange Strange 1/250 0-1,000 1
Fate Fate 1/300 0-1,000 1
Bruce-Kenichi BruceKen 1/200 0-1,000 1
Zero-Glacier Zero-Glacier 1/300 0-1,000 1
Ragnar Ragnar 1/200 0-1,000 1
Shiver-Ragnar ShiverRagnar 1/250 0-1,000 1
SnakeMan SnakeMan 1/250 0-1,000 1
SnakeMan-Platinum SnakeMan-Platinum 1/400 0-1,000 1
Doom-Shado DoomShado 1/250 0-1,000 1
Ray-Kerada Ray-Kerada 1/250 0-1,000 1
Ray-Kerada-Yang Ray-Kerada-Yang 1/400 0-1,000 1
Minakaze-Ruby Ruby-Minakaze 1/400 0-1,000 1
Ashura-Shizen AshuraShizen 1/350 0-1,500 1
Ashura-Ruby AshuraRuby 1/400 0-1,500 1
Head-Less Head-Less 1/40 0-1,500 1
Getsuga Getsuga 1/90 0-1,000 1
Getsuga-Black GetsugaBlack 1/350 0-1,000 1
Aizden Aizden Hollow Masks 0-1,000 2
Aizden-Inverse AizdenInverse 1/500 0-1,000 2
Tetsuo-Kaijin Tetsuo-Kaijin 1/350 0-1,000 1
Borumaki-Gaiden Borumaki Gaiden 1/20, Borumaki Versus Kamaki Event 0-1,500 1
Borumaki-Shiki BorumakiShiki 1/400 0-1,500 1
Code-Gaiden Code Gaiden 1/400 0-1,000 1
RELL RELL 1/10,000 0-1,000 1

Elemental Bloodline Icon Rarity Levels Has Mode
Boil Steam2 1/6 0-500 No
Crystal CrystalNew 1/6 0-500 No
Dust ParticleNew 1/30 0-500 No
Explosion Explosion 1/6 0-500 No
Gold-Sand Gold-Sand 1/40 0-500 No
Ice Ice2 1/6 0-500 No
Apollo-Sand IronSand 1/50 0-500 Yes
Lava Lava2 1/20 0-500 No
Mud Mud2 1/6 0-500 No
Sand Sand 1/25 0-600 Yes
Scorch Scorch 1/12 0-500 No
Storm Storm 1/30 0-500 Yes
Wood Nature2 1/6 0-500 No
Ashen-Storm Ashen Storm 1/100 0-600 Yes
Black-Lightning BlackShock 1/50 0-600 Yes
Clay Clay 1/75 0-700 Yes
Paper Paper 1/50 0-600 Yes
Bolt Bolt 1/40 0-500 No
Bubble Bubble 1/60 0-700 Yes
Sound Sound 1/50 0-500 No
Frost Frost 1/70 0-500 No
Ink Ink 1/120 0-1000 Yes
Inferno Inferno 1/80 0-500 No
Vine Plant 1/120 0-1,000 Yes
Emerald Emerald 1/70 0-500 No
Typhoon Typhoon 1/105 0-500 No
Aidens-Son-Mud Variety-Mud 1/90 0-500 No
Blood Blood 1/80 0-500 No
Tsunami Tsunami 1/80 0-500 No
Smoke Smoke 1/70 0-500 No
Web Web 1/120 0-500 No
Menza Menza 1/120 0-500 No
Surge SurgeIcon 1/35 0-500 No
Magma Magma 1/35 0-1,500 No
Apol-Sand ApolSandIcon 1/35 0-500 No
Fume Fume 1/35 0-1,500 No
Fizz Fizz 1/35 0-1,500 No
Powder Powder 1/35 0-1,500 No
Octo-Ink Octo-Ink 1/35 0-1,500 No

Rare Bloodlines

There are plenty of Bloodlines that can be obtained, the main aspect of rolling Bloodline is the factor of obtaining a rare or common one. Rare Bloodlines are Bloodlines with a spin chance lower than 1/6.

All Bloodline have a chance to be rolled, with their rarities being found in the Ability Bag area. The spin chances are described using fractions, for example; the chance of obtaining the "Jokei" Bloodline is 1/80.

This aspect of rarity in certain Bloodline keeps players rolling until they have no spins left. Although, every 80 spins will give the player a 'Full Rarity' spin, which gives them a Bloodline from the rare category, Keep in mind, this does not guaranteed a super rare one.

Bloodline Bag

Genkai Bag

Bloodline Bag w/ Bloodline Fractions.

The Bloodline bag allows the user to see all the previous bloodlines they have unlocked. If the user owns the gamepass "Bloodline Bag" they would be able to click on a previous unlocked bloodline and a menu will pop up asking which of the user's current slots they want replaced.

Bloodline Jutsu/Modes

KG Page

Bloodline Page (Menu > Bloodline)

Every Bloodline has its own perks and techniques, and in order to use them the player must unlock them by leveling them up. The Bloodline's abilities can be found by going in-game > Menu (press M) > Bloodline. There, the player can their Bloodline's level and how much experience it has.

The player can gain experience by doing anything that grants normal EXP, such as; quests, training logs, etc.

Once the player obtains enough experience, they can unlock their first ability, which has a requirement for a certain stat and costs Ryo to unlock. Each requirement/price depends on the Bloodline owned.


Bloodline ability requirement example

Some Bloodlines have a mode which can be used once the player reaches the required level for the Bloodline. They can equip this by pressing the "equip" button after reaching the required level.

Modes give stat boosts to the player, and certain modes have different stages. They can be either a mode assigned to the "Z" key, or assigned to the "C" key. Bloodlines with a "Z" mode, and most Elemental Bloodlines have the unique property of being able to assign their moves into non-Bloodline move slots.

Certain Bloodlines such as Lava or Apollo-Sand are well-known for completing quests, while others such as Rengoku, Tengoku, and etc. are good for PVP.

Bloodline Leveling Tips

KG Level

Level Bar for Bloodlines

Tips to level up Bloodlines are:

  • Play War (preferably with friends or in a Youtube stream).
  • AFK with an auto clicker (or Tiny Task if leveling Spirits) at a Training Log.
  • Grind Green and Orange Scroll quests
  • Using Eagle Companion on three logs at once.

Things that are NOT recommend doing while leveling are:

  • PVP battles.
  • Randomly killing people

If a Bloodline has a mode, it most likely is helpful for levelling, so it should use it when possible. The player gains 100 exp for every second their mode is active.


Elemental Bloodlines BoilCrystalDustExplosionGold-SandIceApollo-SandLavaMudSandScorchStormWoodAshen-StormBlack-LightningClayPaperBoltBubbleSoundFrostInkInfernoVineEmeraldTyphoonAidens-Son-MudBloodTsunamiSmokeWebMenzaRagnarShiver-RagnarSurgeMagmaApol-SandFumeFizzPowderOcto-Ink
Clan Bloodlines KokotsuSenkoAzarashiMinakamiKaijinShadoKeradaRykan-ShizenDio-SenkoWanziameNectarShizenOkamiGlacierEternalAzim-SenkoKonchoSaberuKenichiDanganSeishinMecha-SpiritOdin-SaberuPika-SenkoCobraHairKabu-CobraJotaro-ShizenGhost-KorashiNarumakiGiovanni-ShizenYang-NarumakiInferno-KorashiBorumakiBorumaki-GoldKamakiKamaki-AmethystMinakazeRyuji-KenichiMinakaze-AzureNarumaki-RubyJayramakiRyuji-PlatinumEastwood-KorashiJayramaki-AzureDio-AzureAlphirama-ShizenShiro-GlacierKagokuKagoku-PlatinumVanhelsingVengeanceSix-Paths-NarumakiJinshikiDio-Senko-Rose​ • Sun-Knight​ • Rune-Koncho​ • StrangeFate​ • Bruce-KenichiZero-GlacierSnakeManSnakeMan-PlatinumDoom-ShadoSean-KeradaRay-Kerada-YangMinakaze-RubyAshura-ShizenAshura-RubyHead-LessGetsugaGetsuga-BlackAizdenAizden-InverseTetsuo-KaijinBorumaki-GaidenBorumaki-ShikiCode-GaidenRELL
Eye Bloodlines JokeiAkumaDokeiBankai-AkumaArahaki-JokeiShiver-AkumaRaion-AkumaSatori-AkumaSengokuTengokuRengokuRiser-AkumaRenshikiShindai-AkumaRaion-RengokuLight-JokeiDark-JokeiDeva-RengokuDeva-SengokuXeno-DokeiRenshiki-GoldForged-RengokuForged-SengokuRaion-SengokuSarachia-AkumaSarachia-GoldShindai-RengokuShindai-Rengoku-YangBankai-InfernoRaion-AzureSatori-RengokuSatori-GoldRiser-InfernoDoku-TengokuDoku-ScorpionGold-JokeiSengoku-InfernoTengoku-PlatinumObi-Ren-KengokuRaion-GaidenSengoku-GaidenRenshiki-RubyGura-RengokuShindai-RamenXeno-AzureIndra-AkumaIndra-Akuma-PurpleKamaki-AkumaKamaki-InfernoRaiden-SaberuRaiden-Gold