Shindo Life Wiki

Companions are unlockable NPC characters players can use after either completing their respective Boss mission. Companions can be found throughout each village and each one uses a certain moveset. Upon defeating the boss, the companion scroll has a 1/15 chance of dropping. Upon being unlocked, the companion will be level 50 and the player can train them up to level 1,000. After being summoned, the companion will stay until the player unsummons them, or they run out of health. The player can only have one companion summoned at a time.

Name Image Rarity Obtain Method Ryo Spawn Time Detailed Location Location Image
Bankai Akuma BankaiAkumaC 1/15 Boss Mission 1,000,000 N/A On top of a mountain on Ember Village. BankaiBoss
Dio Senko DioSenkoC 1/15 Boss Mission 1,500,000 N/A In the mini Forest of Embers in the Ember Village. DioSenkoCompanion
Raion Akuma RaionAkumaC 1/15 Boss Mission 1,300,000 N/A On a rock, near a waterfall next to the mini Forest of Embers in the Ember Village. RaionCompanionLoc
PTS Raion PTSraionCharacter 1/15 Boss Mission 700,000 N/A Near the water, next to the Anbu Hideout behind the Hokage Rock in the Ember Village. PTSraionBoss
PTS Forged PTSForged 1/15 Boss Mission 1,250,000 N/A On the water, at the outskirts of the Ember Village. ForgedBossL
Satori Akuma SatoriAkumaC 1/15 Boss Mission 1,000,000 N/A On a rock near a waterfall next to the Ember Village. SatoriBoss

Name Image Rarity Obtain Method Ryo Spawn Time Detailed Location Location Image
Jiso Seishin JisoSeishin 1/15 Boss Mission 1,000,000 N/A On a rock, in the outskirts of the Obelisk Village. JisoSeishinBossL
Kabu Cobra KabuC 1/15 Boss Mission 1,200,000 N/A Beside the pit, in front of the entrance of the hideout in the Obelisk Village. KabuCobraBossL
Arahaki Jokei ArahakiC 1/15 Boss Mission 2,000,000 N/A Located on a rock, near the river bank of the Final Valley in the Obelisk Village. ArahakiJokeiBossL
Light Jokei LightC 1/30 Boss Mission 1,500,000 N/A In the middle of the Damp Bone Forest in the Obelisk Village. LightJokeiBossL
Satoru Okami SatoruOkami 1/15 Boss Mission 800,000 N/A Near one of the bridges of the Obelisk Village. SatoruOkamiBossL

Name Image Rarity Obtain Method Ryo Spawn Time Detailed Location Location Image
Ashen Storm AshenC 1/15 Boss Mission 1,000,000 N/A On a rock near the Arena in the Nimbus Village. AshenStormBossL
Odin Saberu OdinC 1/15 Boss Mission 1,000,000 N/A Under the red bridge, leading to the Arena in the Nimbus Village. OdinBossL
Xeno Dokei XenoDokeiC 1/15 Boss Mission 1,000,000 N/A On a rock, above the river next, to the entrance bridge in the Nimbus Village. XenoDokeiBossL
Giovani Shizen GiovanniC 1/15 Story Mission 1,000,000 N/A On a rock beside the Land of Iron in the Nimbus Village. GiovanniShizenBossL

Name Image Rarity Obtain Method Ryo Spawn Time Detailed Location Location Image
Deuce Wanziame DeuceWanziame 1/15 Boss Mission 1,400,000 N/A On the furthest island from the Haze Village. DeuceBossL
Alphirama Dangan AlphiramaDangan 1/15 Boss Mission 800,000 N/A Beside the Great Naruto Bridge in the Haze Village. AlphiramaDanganBossL
Shiba Glacier ShibaGlacier 1/15 Boss Mission 1,900,000 N/A On the beach beside The Great Naruto Bridge in the Haze Village. ShibaGlacierBossL
Riser Akuma RiserC 1/15 Boss Mission 1,500,000 N/A At the end the Bridge in the Haze Village. RIserAkumaBossL
Rykan Shizen RykanShizenC 1/15 Boss Mission 4,200,000 N/A On a rocky island near the ramen shop in the Haze Village. RykanBossL

Name Image Rarity Obtain Method Ryo Spawn Time Detailed Location Location Image
Ailee Minakami AileeMinakami 1/15 Boss Mission 500,000 N/A In the outskirts near the forest of the Dunes Village. AileeBossL
Menza Azarashi MenzaAzarashi 1/15 Boss Mission 1,200,000 N/A On the bridge outside the Dunes Village. MenzaBossL
Apollo Sabaku ApolloSabaku 1/15 Boss Mission 1,200,000 N/A Beside the bridge outside of the Dunes Village. ApolloBossL
Garin Atomic GarinAtomic 1/15 Boss Mission 1,200,000 N/A At the end of the Broken Bridge at the entrance of the Dunes Village. GarinBossL
Pika Senko PikaSenkoC 1/15 Boss Mission 3,200,000 N/A In the outskirts of the Dunes Village, near the spawn of the Su Tailed Spirit. PikaBossL
Azim Senko AzimSenkoC 1/15 Boss Mission 1,000,000 N/A On a rock, at the edge of the forest near the Chu Tailed Spirit in the Dunes Village. AzimBossL

Name Image Rarity Obtain Method Ryo Spawn Time Detailed Location Location Image
PTS Deva PTSDeva 1/15 Boss Mission 2,500,000 N/A One of the buildings in the Tempest Village. PTSDBossL
Ghost Azarashi GhostAzarashiC 1/15 Boss Mission 6,000,000 N/A On the edge of a building in the Tempest Village. GhostBossL

Name Image Rarity Obtain Method Ryo Spawn Time Detailed Location Location Image
Bankai Akuma BankaiAkumaC 1/15 Boss Mission 1,000,000 N/A On top of a small mountain, near a river in the Blaze Village. BankaiBossL2
Dio Senko DioSenkoC 1/15 Boss Mission 1,500,000 N/A Near the Forest of Ember's tower in the Blaze Village. DioBossL2
Raion Akuma RaionAkumaC 1/15 Boss Mission 1,300,000 N/A On a rock near the path leading to the entrance of the Blaze Village. RaionAkuBossL
PTS Raion PTSraionCharacter 1/15 Boss Mission 700,000 N/A Near one of the entrances of the Blaze Village PTSRBoss
PTS Forged PTSForged 1/15 Boss Mission 1,250,000 N/A On the water, at the outskirts of the Ember Village ForgedBossL
Satori Akuma SatoriAkumaC 1/15 Boss Mission 1,000,000 N/A Near the Forest of Ember's tower in the Blaze Village. SatoriBossL
Kamaki KamakiC 1/15 Boss Mission 900,000 N/A On a small mountain near a bridge close to the Forest of Embers tower. KamakiL

Name Image Rarity Obtain Method Ryo Spawn Time Detailed Location Location Image
Ryuji Kenichi RyujiKenichi 1/15 Boss Mission 1,500,000 N/A In the Training Fields RyujiBossL
Bruce Kenichi BruceKenichi 1/15 Boss Mission 1,500,000 N/A In the Training Fields BruceBossL

Name Image Rarity Obtain Method Ryo Spawn Time Detailed Location Location Image
Shindai Akuma ShindaiAkumaC 1/15 Boss Mission 2,000,000 N/A On the water, in front of the entrance to the Dawn Hideout. ShindaiBossL
Shiver Akuma ShiverC 1/15 Boss Mission 1,000,000 N/A On the water, in front of the entrance to the Dawn Hideout. ShiverBossL
Raion Rengoku RaionRenC 1/15 Boss Mission 2,500,000 N/A On the water, at the end of the entrance to the Dawn Hideout. RaionRenBossL

Name Image Rarity Obtain Method Ryo Spawn Time Detailed Location Location Image
Narumaki NarumakiCharacter 1/15 Boss Mission 1,200,000 N/A On top of the Great Narumaki Bridge. NarumakiBossL
Borumaki BorumakiCharacter 1/15 Boss Mission 900,000 N/A Near the top of the Great Narumaki Bridge. BorumakiBossL
Minakaze Senko MinakazeSenko 1/15 Boss Mission 1,200,000 N/A On the beach near the Great Narumaki Bridge. MinakazeBossL

Name Image Rarity Obtain Method Ryo Spawn Time Detailed Location Location Image
Renshiki RenshikiCharacter 1/15 Boss Mission 3,000,000 N/A On a mountain outside of the Vinland Village. RenshikiBossL
Shindai Akuma ShindaiAkumaC 1/15 Boss Mission 2,000,000 N/A On a mountain outside of the Vinland Village. ShindaiBossL2
Raion Rengoku RaionRenC 1/15 Boss Mission 2,500,000 N/A On a mountain outside of the Vinland Village. RaionRenBossL2
Shiver Akuma framless 1/15 Boss Mission 1,000,000 N/A In Vinland's Forest outside of the Vinland Village. ShiverBossL2


Companions Ailee MinakamiArahaki JokeiAshen StormBankai AkumaBruce KenichiDeuce WanziameDio SenkoPTS ForgedGhost AzarashiGiovanni ShizenJiso SeishinKabu CobraMenza AzarashiNarumakiOdin SaberuPika SenkoPTS DevaPTS RaionRaion AkumaRaion RengokuRenshikiAzim SenkoRiser AkumaLight JokeiAlphirama DanganApollo SabakuGarin AtomicBorumakiRykan ShizenRyuji KenichiSatori AkumaSatoru OkamiShiba GlacierShindai AkumaShiver AkumaXeno DokeiMinakaze SenkoSarachia AkumaKamaki
Event Companions DevaForgedShindai Rengoku