Shindo Life Wiki

One of the largest and most powerful countries.

-Location Description

The Ember Village, also known as Ember or The Ember Sovereignty, is one of the eighteen locations a player can currently spawn at in Shindo Life. It is also one of the seven main villages. The new and improved version of the Ember Village is Blaze Village.

Notable Locations

Ember Village

The Ember Village is a large village that contains several modern houses and tall trees. A river runs through the village, with three bridges crossing it. Like most villages, the Ember Village has an office, commonly known as the "Sovereignty Office", where players can obtain Execute Missions and rank up. Next to the Sovereignty Office is a building known as the "Police Station" which has a small Stone Tablet next to it that allows players with the Akuma Bloodline to customize their Samurai Spirit. Next to the police station is a building commonly known as the "Academy", which contains several classrooms and a rooftop garden.

Down the road leading to the Sovereignty Office is a Ramen Shop, where players can restore their Hunger. Behind the Ramen Shop is three training logs. There are a total of six training logs in the Ember Village.

Anbu Hideout

Behind the Ember Village is a large mountain, secretly housing the hideout commonly known as the "Anbu Hideout" within it. The Anbu Hideout is mainly a red bridge crossing over a lake, usually serving as a PVP battleground.


Near the Ember Village is the Ember Village Arena, which resembles a red ceiling-less dome-like stadium that serves as a battleground for duels between players. It has three tall trees inside of it.

Mount Myoboku

A hidden location in the outskirts commonly known to players as "Mount (Mt.) Myoboku". This area is surrounded by mountains, with several rivers flowing to it. Mt. Myoboku is divided into two areas: one area is a grassland with trees, large plants, and a shrine; the other area mainly consists of several spiky rock pillars.

Miniature Forest of Embers

The miniature Forest of Embers is a forest full of trees surrounded by fences, in the outskirts. This area is mainly used as a PVP battleground since it has plenty of open space.

Scroll Spawns

Name Image Requirements Rarity Spawn Time Detailed Location Location Image
Yin Kor Tailed Spirit Generation 1 KorSpiritIcon1 LVL: [500]

CHI: [1,800]

RYO: [1,000,000]

1/10 Boss Mission The Yin Kor Tailed Spirit spawns on a boulder, near the Ember Village. Kor1L
Kor Tailed Spirit Generation 2 KorSpiritIcon​ LVL: [500]

CHI: [1,800]

RYO: [1,000,000]

1/10 6:10 AM/PM Right of the miniature Forest of Embers on the lake. KorLocation
Demon Gate Spirit Eight Inner Gates LVL: [300]

NIN: [1,000]

RYO: [600,000]

1/8 3:30 AM/PM Can be found near three training logs and a NPC spawn. EightInnerGates
Jayramaki Frog Spirit Mastered Frog Spirit LVL: [700]

NIN: [3,000]

RYO: [1,500,000]

1/10 2:45 AM/PM In the outskirts of the Ember Village, in Mt. Myoboku near the Narumaki Toad Spirit. MasterFrogLocation
Narumaki Toad Spirit ToadSage LVL: [700]

NIN: [3,000]

RYO: [500,000]

1/10 2:45 AM/PM At Mt. Myoboku, in-front of a shrine. Sub-jutsuLocation(8)
Ember Fate Spirit Ember Fate Spirit LVL: [999]

NIN: [4,999]

RYO: [4,000,000]

1/10 5:25 AM/PM In the middle of the miniature Forest of Embers. EmberFateLocation
Akuma Eternal Hand AkumaEternalHand LVL: [800]

NIN: [5,000]

RYO: [1,000,000]

1/10 12:20 AM/PM On top of a large tall tree outside of the fence surrounding the miniature Forest of Embers. AkumaHandLocation
Specialist Spirit WeaponArt LVL: [950]

TAI: [5,000]

RYO: [500,000]

1/10 5:35 AM/PM On top of left side tree and next to red building. Sub-jutsuLocation(14)
Tree Illusion Technique TreeIllusion LVL: [370]

NIN: [900]

RYO: [35,000]

1/10 7:15 AM/PM On top of a large tall tree outside of the fence surrounding the miniature Forest of Embers. TreeIllusionLocation
Medical Mode-Transfer MedicalMode LVL: [400]

NIN: [1,600]

RYO: [60,000]

1/10 11:35 AM/PM Next to a small town, at the foot of a mountain near it. MedicalModeLocation
Vanishing Clone: Barrage MultiShadowClone LVL: [800]

CHI: [2,700]

RYO: [140,000]

1/7 4:40 AM/PM In the miniature Forest Of Ember. CloneBarrageLocation
Multi-Vanishing Clones ShadowClone LVL: [500]

NIN: [900]

RYO: [52,000]

1/6 12:25 AM/PM On the mountain behind the Ember Village. MultiShadowcloneJutsu
Vanishing Image VanishingImage LVL: [800]

NIN: [4,000]

RYO: [800,000]

1/8 2:45 AM/PM On a mountain's cliff outside of the Ember Village. VanishingImageLocation
Shock Style: Electro Blade RaikiriBlade LVL: [650]

CHI: [1,800]

RYO: [90,000]

1/8 3:55 AM/PM In the Anbu Hideout, located behind the Ember Village and inside a cave. Sub-jutsuLocation(18)
Senko: Spirit Bomb SenkoSpiritBombNew LVL: [650]

NIN: [2,800]

RYO: [400,000]

1/10 4:15 AM/PM Behind the Sovereignty Office. Sub-jutsuLocation(19)
Spirit Bomb-Shuriken Rush SpiritBombShurikenRush LVL: [800]

NIN: [2,300]

RYO: [130,000]

1/6 2:45 AM/PM On the river bank in Mt. Myoboku. Sub-jutsuLocation(21)
Sleigh Summon Sleigh Summon LVL: [900]

NIN: [3,800]

RYO: [2,000,000]

1/10 7:15 AM/PM It spawns in the corner ledge of a mountain, near Kor Spirit. SleighSummonLocation
Reality Style: Warp WarpSub LVL: [800]

NIN: [2,400]

RYO: [35,000]

1/10 12:45 AM/PM Behind a large rock in the miniature Forest of Embers, near the fence. WarpSubLocation
Bankai Inferno Bomb Toss BankaiBombToss LVL: [850]

NIN: [2,800]

RYO: [4,500,000]

1/13 Boss Mission The Bankai Akuma Boss Mission is located on a rock near the water on top of the mountain. BankaiBoss
Satori Inferno Bomb Rush SatoriBombRush LVL: [850]

NIN: [2,800]

RYO: [1,500,000]

1/13 Boss Mission The Satori Akuma Boss Mission is located on a rock near a waterfall. SatoriBoss
Raion Style: Aerial Demon Toss AerialDemonToss LVL: [900]

NIN: [6,000]

RYO: [4,500,000]

1/21 Boss Mission The PTS Raion Boss Mission is located near the water next to the Anbu Hideout behind the Sovereignty Rock. PTSraionBoss
Forged Style: Fireball Warp FireballWarp LVL: [900]

NIN: [6,000]

RYO: [2,500,000]

1/25 Boss Mission The Forged Akuma Boss Mission is located on the water beside the Anbu Hideout in the Ember Village. ForgedBossL
Raion Style: Inferno Armour Control ArmourControl LVL: [900]

NIN: [6,000]

RYO: [4,000,000]

1/10 Boss Mission The Raion Akuma Boss Mission is located on a rock near a waterfall next to the mini Forest of Embers in the Ember Village, RaionCompanionLoc

Name Image Requirements Rarity Spawn Time Detailed Location Location Image
Shizen Raijin Senju Raijin LVL: [550]

TAI [2,300]

RYO [300,000]

1/5 6:15 AM/PM On the mountain behind the Sovereignty Office. ShizenRaijinLocation
Satori Blade Gaiden Kusanagi LVL: [950]

TAI [3,200]

RYO [270,000]

1/10 5:10 AM/PM On the mountain behind the Sovereignty Office. SatoriBladeLocation
Azim Dual Senko Hokage Spec LVL: [1,000]

TAI [2,200]

RYO [2,800,000]

1/10 2:50 AM/PM On the mountain behind the Sovereignty Office. DualSenkoLocation
Chi Kunai Chakra Kunai LVL: [560]

TAI [2,000]

RYO [120,000]

1/5 2:45 AM/PM Outside of the Ember Village, near three training logs. ChiKunaiLocation
Senko Kunai Raijin Kunai LVL: [600]

TAI [3,200]

RYO [270,000]

1/7 3:10 AM/PM On the mountain behind the Sovereignty Office. SenkoKunaiLocation
Dio Senko Blade Dio LVL: [800]

TAI [2,300]

RYO [1,000,000]

1/10 3:35 AM/PM Behind the Ember Village, on a mountain. DioSenkoLocation
Firework Katana FireworkKatana LVL: [260]

TAI [300]

RYO [25,000]

1/10 4:45 AM/PM In between two mountains near the Ember Village's arena. FireworkKatanaLocation
Ember Chi Blade EmberChiBlade LVL: [500]

TAI [2,500]

RYO [600,000]

1/8 12:25 AM/PM On the roof of the building next to the Sovereignty Office with a garden. EmberBladeLocation
SL2 Chi Kunai SL2 ChiKunai LVL: [700]

TAI [2,000]

RYO [520,000]

1/5 11:15 AM/PM Outside of the Ember Village, next to the Sovereignty Office. SL2ChiKunaiLocation
SL2 Senko Kunai SL2 SenkoKunai LVL: [550]

TAI [3,200]

RYO [320,000]

1/10 3:15 AM/PM On the mountain behind the Sovereignty Office. SL2SenkoKunaiLoc

Name Image Rarity Obtain Method Ryo Detailed Location Location Image
Bankai Akuma BankaiAkumaC 1/15 Boss Mission 4,000,000 On top of a mountain on Ember Village. BankaiBoss
Dio Senko DioSenkoC 1/15 Boss Mission 1,500,000 In the mini Forest of Embers in the Ember Village. DioSenkoCompanion
Raion Akuma RaionAkumaC 1/15 Boss Mission 1,200,000 On a rock, near a waterfall next to the mini Forest of Embers in the Ember Village. RaionCompanionLoc
PTS Raion PTSraionCharacter 1/15 Boss Mission 700,000 Near the water, next to the Anbu Hideout behind the Sovereignty Rock in the Ember Village. PTSraionBoss
PTS Forged PTSForged 1/15 Boss Mission 1,250,000 On the water, at the outskirts of the Ember Village. ForgedBossL
Satori Akuma SatoriAkumaC 1/15 Boss Mission 3,600,000 On a rock near a waterfall next to the Ember Village. SatoriBoss
Sarachia Akuma SarachiaCharacter 1/15 Boss Mission 1,000,000 On a cliff near the Ember Village's Forest of Embers. SarachiaBossL

Name Image Requirements Rarity Spawn Time Detailed Location Location Image
Dio-Senko Stage 2 Dio-Senko Bloodline Level 1,500 1/10 Boss Mission In the mini Forest of Embers in the Ember Village. DioSenkoCompanion
Bankai-Akuma Stage 4 Bankai-Akuma Bloodline Level 1,000 1/1 Boss Mission On top of a mountain on Ember Village. BankaiBoss
Shiver-Akuma Stage 4 Shiver-Akuma Bloodline Level 800 1/1 Boss Mission On the water, in the outskirts of the Ember Village. ForgedBossL
Raion-Akuma Stage 4 RaionAkuma Bloodline Level 800 1/1 Boss Mission On a rock, near a waterfall next to the mini Forest of Embers in the Ember Village. RaionCompanionLoc
Satori-Akuma Stage 4 Satori-Akuma Bloodline Level 800 1/1 Boss Mission On a rock near a waterfall next to the Ember Village. SatoriBoss
Sarachia-Akuma Stage 4 Sarachia Bloodline Level 800 1/1 Boss Mission On a cliff near the Ember Village's Forest of Embers. SarachiaBossL

Name Image Requirements Rarity Spawn Time Detailed Location Location Image
Bat Cursed Spirit Rework Cursed Seal of Heaven N/A 1/25 Boss Mission Near the water, next to the Anbu Hideout behind the Sovereignty Rock in the Ember Village. PTSraionBoss


  • The original name of Ember Village was Leaf Village. It was later changed due to copyright issues.
  • Ember used to be the backdrop for the menu. It was replaced with Blaze Village.
Main Villages Ember VillageObelisk VillageNimbus VillageHaze VillageDunes VillageBlaze VillageJejunes Village
Sub Locations Training FieldsForest of EmbersDawn HideoutTempest VillageGreat Narumaki BridgeShindai ValleyVinlandMount MakiShikai ForestRyuji CaveEspada