Shindo Life Wiki

The country's weather is typically cool and the islands are usually covered by fog.

-Location Description

The Haze Village, also known as Haze or The Haze Sovereignty, is one of the eighteen locations a player can currently spawn at in Shindo Life. It is also one of the seven main villages.

Notable Locations

Haze Village

The Haze Village is a large village that contains cylindrical houses with tall trees growing on their roofs, inter-connected by a network of bridges and ramps. Like most villages, the Haze Village has an office, commonly known as the "Sovereignty Office", where players can obtain Execute Missions.

Down the ramp leading to the Sovereignty Office is a Ramen Shop, where players can restore their Hunger.


Near the Haze Village is a temple made of rock, surrounded by trees and having a few training logs nearby.


Right next to the Haze Village is the Haze Village Arena, which resembles a white ceiling-less dome-like stadium that serves as a battleground for duels between players. It has two tall trees inside of it, with two tall cylindrical buildings with trees on their roofs nearby.

Haze Village Bridge

The Haze Village Bridge is a bridge connecting the Haze Village with a small island, to the right of the Haze Village's Ramen Shop.

Great Naruto Bridge

The Great Naruto Bridge, which it is commonly known as, is a bridge that connects a small village on a large island with another large island. The village's island is located directly in front of the small island the Haze Village Bridge connects to.


The gravesite is located just outside of Haze Village in front of the Great Naruto Bridge. The graves most likely belong to Haku and Zabuza.

Hidden Area/Aquarium

This area is located underneath the temple outside Haze Village. It can be accessed by flying underneath the map and glitching through a wall by using the Q-spec of the first stage of Narumaki's mode. Inside, there are shark statues and what resembles kelp. The area is possibly a scrapped scroll spawn location.

Scroll Spawns

Name Image Requirements Rarity Spawn Time Detailed Location Location Image
Isu Tailed Spirit Generation 2 IsuSpiritIcon LVL: [500]

CHI: [1,800]

RYO: [1,000,000]

1/10 9:30 AM/PM Right of Haze Village Bridge, on the water. IsuLocation
Sei Tailed Spirit Generation 2 SeiSpiritIcon LVL: [500]

NIN: [1,800]

RYO: [1,000,000]

1/10 10:10 AM/PM Right of Great Narumaki Bridge, on the water. SeiLocation
Haze Fate Spirit Haze Fate Spirit LVL: [999]

NIN: [4,999]

RYO: [4,000,000]

1/10 6:20 AM/PM On the water to the right of the Great Naruto Bridge, near Demonic Spirit. HazeFateLocation
Demonic Spirit DemonHxH LVL: [450]

NIN: [2,400]

RYO: [600,000]

1/8 2:45 AM/PM Next to Great Naruto Bridge's entrance, on the shore. DemonHunter
Rab Style: Prison RabPrison LVL: [370]

NIN: [900]

RYO: [1,000,000]

1/10 2:15 AM/PM Near the Haze Village's temple. RabPrisonLocation
Isu Tailed Spirit Generation 1 IsuSpiritIcon1 LVL: [500]

CHI: [1,800]

RYO: [1,000,000]

1/10 Boss Drop In the outskirts of the Haze Village, on an island. Isu1L
Illusion Style: Crow Salvation CrowSalvation LVL: [888]

NIN: [4,200]

RYO: [2,200,000]

1/8 Boss Drop Near the shore at the end of the Haze Village bridge. RIserAkumaBossL

Name Image Requirements Rarity Spawn Time Detailed Location Location Image
Demon Toss DemonToss LVL: [500]

TAI [2,900]

RYO [90,000]

1/10 2:40 AM/PM Next to a mountain after crossing the Great Naruto Bridge. DemonTossLocation
Ice Shuriken Snowflake Shuriken LVL: [1,000]

TAI [5,000]

RYO [5,000,000]

1/10 10:05 AM/PM To the right after crossing the bridge from the Haze Village. IceShurikenLocation
Dual-Bladed Scythe Dual-Bladed Scythe LVL: [420]

TAI [1,500]

RYO [160,000]

1/2 9:45 AM/PM Next to the village after crossing the Haze Village bridge. DualScytheLocation
Slayer Blade Executioner Blade LVL: [640]

TAI [2,750]

RYO [200,000]

1/10 8:40 AM/PM In the middle of the Great Naruto Bridge. SlayerBladeLocation
Dual Lightning Kiba Blades LVL: [630]

TAI [900]

RYO [165,000]

1/6 9:20 AM/PM To the right after crossing the bridge from the Haze Village. DualLightningLocation
Riserdawn Riserdawn LVL: [620]

TAI [2,300]

RYO [210,000]

1/8 8:55 AM/PM On a dead-end wooden bridge near the Sovereignty office. RiserdawnLocation
Hamaxe Kabutowari LVL: [400]

TAI [700]

RYO [130,000]

1/6 9:10 AM/PM At the bottom of a mountain near the Haze Village arena. HamaxeLocation
Bomb Blade BombBlade LVL: [625]

TAI [2,400]

RYO [175,000]

1/10 12:10 AM/PM On an island to the right of the Haze Village bridge. BombBladeLocation
Thread Blade Nuibari LVL: [650]

TAI [2,000]

RYO [240,000]

1/10 9:30 AM/PM In a temple near the Haze Village. ThreadBladeLocation
Rykan Blade RykanBlade LVL: [890]

TAI [3,200]

RYO [1,000,000]

1/10 5:10 AM/PM Near a temple in the Haze Village. RykanBladeLocation
Candy Blade Candy Blade LVL: [560]

TAI [3,200]

RYO [240,000]

1/10 5:15 AM/PM In the village in front of the Great Naruto Bridge. CandyBladeLocation
Bubble Flute Bubble Flute LVL: [760]

TAI [2,500]

RYO [1,000,000]

1/10 1:40 AM/PM On a dead-end wooden bridge near three training logs. BubbleFluteLocation
Haze Chi Blade HazeChiBlade LVL: [500]

TAI [2,500]

RYO [600,000]

1/10 3:25 AM/PM Next to a building near the Sovereignty office. HazeBladeLocation
SL2 Dual Lightning SL2 DualLightning LVL: [700]

TAI [900]

RYO [500,000]

1/5 5:15 AM/PM In a temple near the Haze Village. SL2DualLightningLocation
SL2 Thread Blade SL2 ThreadBlade LVL: [650]

TAI [2,000]

RYO [240,000]

1/10 6:15 AM/PM Near one of the bridges in the Haze Village. SL2ThreadBladeLocation

Name Image Rarity Obtain Method Ryo Detailed Location Location Image
Deuce Wanziame DeuceWanziame 1/15 Boss Mission 1,400,000 On the furthest island from the Haze Village. DeuceBossL
Alphirama Dangan AlphiramaDangan 1/15 Boss Mission 800,000 Beside the Great Naruto Bridge in the Haze Village. AlphiramaDanganBossL
Shiba Glacier ShibaGlacier 1/15 Boss Mission 1,000,000 On the beach beside The Great Naruto Bridge in the Haze Village. ShibaGlacierBossL
Riser Akuma RiserC 1/15 Boss Mission 1,500,000 At the end the Bridge in the Haze Village. RIserAkumaBossL
Rykan Shizen RykanShizenC 1/15 Boss Mission 1,500,000 On a rocky island near the ramen shop in the Haze Village. RykanBossL

Name Image Requirements Rarity Spawn Time Detailed Location Location Image
Water Dragon Fist WaterBlender RELLCoin [25,000] 1/14 Boss Mission On the beach beside The Great Naruto Bridge in the Haze Village. ShibaGlacierBossL

Name Image Requirements Rarity Spawn Time Detailed Location Location Image
Riser-Akuma Stage 4 Riser-Akuma Bloodline Level 800 1/1 Boss Mission At the end the Bridge in the Haze Village. RIserAkumaBossL


  • The original name of Haze Village was Mist Village. It was later changed due to copyright issues.
Main Villages Ember VillageObelisk VillageNimbus VillageHaze VillageDunes VillageBlaze VillageJejunes Village
Sub Locations Training FieldsForest of EmbersDawn HideoutTempest VillageGreat Narumaki BridgeShindai ValleyVinlandMount MakiShikai ForestRyuji CaveEspada