Moon-Kenjutsu, or Moon Ken Style is a Kenjutsu with a rarity of 1/20. Its moveset revolves around fast area-of-effect attacks that put status effects on targets. Having this Kenjutsu equipped gives the user's weapon a white trail filled with crescent moon-shaped slashes when attacking and blocking. It has a variation named Blood-Moon-Kenjutsu.
The user holds their Kenjutsu Blade, which is enveloped in crescent moon-shaped slashes. After a few seconds, or if they click on a nearby enemy, they dash towards the target while leaving a trail of crescent moon-shaped slashes behind them. The user releases a flurry of slashes around them, dealing damage to nearby enemies multiple times. A tornado of crescent slashes is then formed, which homes in on an enemy and damages them on contact for a few seconds.
Move Name
Ken Style: Crescent Rush
20 seconds
The user rushes forward while a trail of crescent moon-shaped slashes follow them, before releasing multiple slashes around them, dealing area-of-effect damage to targets as well as putting them to sleep.
Ken Style: Dawn Breaker
25 seconds
After a short startup, the user sends out a flurry of slashes at the direction of the cursor, dealing damage and slowing down enemies hit. These slashes are also capable of homing.
Ken Style: Crescent Hamon
25 seconds
The user forms three tornadoes from their sides, and dashes forward, damaging anything that comes in contact. Immediately afterwards, the three tornadoes meet together towards the target, damaging them further.
Ken Style: Crescent Blade Drive
26 seconds
The user sends a five slashes towards the direction they're facing, with the last slash being a large, vertical slash, damaging enemies and pushing them backwards.
Weapon attacks with Moon-Kenjutsu
Moon-Kenjutsu's Q ability
Ken Style: Cresent Rush
Ken Style: Dawn Breaker
Ken Style: Cresent Hamon
Ken Style: Cresent Blade Drive
When this Kenjutsu was added, Ken Style: Crescent Blade Drive could not be unlocked unless Ken Style: Crescent Hamon was unlocked first. At the same time, Ken Style: Crescent Hamon could not be unlocked unless Ken Style: Dawn Breaker was unlocked first.