Shindo Life Wiki

The country is mostly comprised of desolate, rocky areas.

-Location Description

The Obelisk Village, also known as Obelisk or The Obelisk Sovereignty, is one of the eighteen locations a player can currently spawn at in Shindo Life. It is also one of the seven main villages.

Notable Locations

Obelisk Village

The Obelisk Village's buildings are built from the surrounding rock and stone, shaped into tower-like structures that are inter-connected by a network of bridges. Like most villages, the Obelisk Village has an office, commonly known as the "Sovereignty Office", where players can obtain Execute Missions and rank up.

Directly under the Sovereignty Office is a Ramen Shop, where players can restore their Hunger. There are three training logs near it.

Kabu-Cobra's Hideout

Hidden underground in the outskirts of the Obelisk Village is a secret hideout commonly known amongst players as "Kabu-Cobra's Hideout". This hideout has two hidden entrances, one is located behind some grass near a large pit, the other one has a more decorated entrance and is hidden behind some grass on a rock near the Final Valley. The hideout contains a laboratory, a large pit, and a cave with a shrine in it.

Final Valley

The Final Valley, or the Valley of the End as it is commonly known among players, is a large waterfall surrounded by mountains located in the outskirts of the Obelisk Village.


Next to the Obelisk Village is the Obelisk Village Arena, which resembles a white ceiling-less dome-like stadium that serves as a battleground for duels between players. It has three tall trees inside of it, with three tall tower-like buildings nearby.

Damp Bone Forest

The Damp Bone Forest, as it is commonly known amongst the players, is a forest in the outskirts of the Obelisk Village with large bone-like structures sprouting out of the ground. There is also a shrine located in the Damp Bone Forest. The island the Damp Bone Forest is located on is near the Obelisk Village Arena.

Scroll Spawns

Name Image Requirements Rarity Spawn Time Detailed Location Location Image
Ku Tailed Spirit Generation 2 KuSpiritIcon LVL: [500]

CHI: [1,800]

RYO: [1,000,000]

1/10 12:10 AM/PM At the river bank of the Final Valley. KuLocation
Sun Tailed Spirit Generation 2 SunSpiritIcon LVL: [500]

NIN: [1,800]

RYO: [1,000,000]

1/10 11:30 AM/PM Near the Final Valley, surrounded by several stone pillars. SunLocation
Snail Spirit Awaken SlugSage LVL: [700]

NIN: [3,000]

RYO: [500,000]

1/10 5:20 AM/PM In front of a shrine in the Damp Bone Forest. Sub-jutsuLocation(11)
Cobra Spirit Awaken SnakeSage LVL: [700]

NIN: [3,000]

RYO: [500,000]

1/10 2:35 AM/PM Bottom of Orochimaru's hideout in a cave, next to a shrine. Cobra Spirit Awaken Spawn
Obelisk Fate Spirit Obelisk Fate Spirit LVL: [999]

NIN: [4,999]

RYO: [4,000,000]

1/10 7:30 AM/PM On the water in the outskirts of the Obelisk Village, near Snail Spirit Awaken. ObeliskFateLocation
Captain Jokei CaptainJokei LVL: [800]

CHI: [5,000]

RYO: [3,000,000]

1/10 5:30 AM/PM On a patch of grass at the bottom of Sovereignty Office's mountain. CaptainJokeiLocation
Water Vanishing Image WaterVanishing LVL: [370]

NIN: [900]

RYO: [35,000]

1/6 5:15 AM/PM In a small cave near a river, under a mountain. Water Vanishing Location2
Shadow Snowman Shadow Snowman LVL: [500]

NIN: [900]

RYO: [52,000]

1/5 2:45 AM/PM On a stone pillar in the outskirts of the Obelisk Village. RobloxScreenShot20201216 145429305
Heavenly Wall HeavenlyWall LVL: [888]

NIN: [4,200]

RYO: [1,500,000]

1/10 3:10 AM/PM Bottom of Orochimaru's hideout. Sub-jutsuLocation(30)
Senko: Storm SenkoRaikiri LVL: [650]

NIN: [2,800]

RYO: [1,500,000]

1/10 5:40 AM/PM Between two ledges near the entrance to Orochimaru's Hideout. SenkoStormLocation
Shockslam Technique Shockslam LVL: [370]

NIN: [900]

RYO: [35,000]

1/10 3:35 AM/PM At the bottom of the waterfall at Final Valley, near Ku Tailed Spirit Generation 2. ShockslamLocation
Rab Style: Warp RabWarp LVL: [800]

NIN: [2,400]

RYO: [3,500,000]

1/10 3:13 AM/PM On a mountain near a bridge and the Obelisk Village's ramen shop. RabWarpLocation
Rab Style: Meteorite RabMeteor LVL: [370]

NIN: [900]

RYO: [4,000,000]

1/10 6:55 AM/PM On a mountain near the Obelisk Village arena. RabMeteorLocation
Sun Tailed Spirit Generation 1 SunSpiritIcon1 LVL: [500]

NIN: [1,800]

RYO: [1,000,000]

1/10 Boss Drop In the outskirts of the Obelisk Village, near the Final Valley. Sun1L
Stone Style: Fist Of Steel FistOfSteel LVL: [888]

NIN: [4,200]

RYO: [1,200,000]

1/6 Boss Drop The Jiso Seishin Boss Mission is located in the outskirts of the Obelisk Village. JisoSeishinBossL
Hydra Style: Liquefy PoisonLiquefy LVL: [888]

NIN: [4,200]

RYO: [1,200,000]

1/10 Boss Drop The Kabu Cobra Boss is located beside the pit in front of the entrance of the hideout in the Obelisk Village. KabuCobraBossL
Arahaki Style: Thousand Air Palms ArahakiThousandPalms LVL: [888]

NIN: [4,200]

RYO: [3,200,000]

1/17 Boss Drop The Arahaki Jokei Boss Mission is located on a rock near the river bank of the Final Valley in the Obelisk Village. ArahakiJokeiBossL

Name Image Requirements Rarity Spawn Time Detailed Location Location Image
Raion Blade Shippuden Kusanagi LVL: [610]

TAI [2,400]

RYO [210,000]

1/10 5:25 AM/PM At the entrance to Orochimaru's hideout, in the pit. RaionBladeLocation
Two Bladed Scythe Two Bladed Scythe LVL: [520]

TAI [1,700]

RYO [135,000]

1/2 11:40 AM/PM On a bridge in the Obelisk Village. TwoScytheLocation
Savage Blade Savage Blade LVL: [645]

TAI [1,600]

RYO [130,000]

1/4 11:25 AM/PM In the middle of a circular structure in the Obelisk Village. SavageBladeLocation
Triple Cobalt Blade Garian Blade LVL: [520]

TAI [920]

RYO [110,000]

1/6 10:25 AM/PM On the island near the Obelisk Village arena. TripleCobaltBladeLocation
Stone Buster Stone Buster LVL: [800]

TAI [2,400]

RYO [230,000]

1/10 10:40 AM/PM On the mountain behind the Sovereignty Office. StoneBusterLocation
Alphirama Blade Hashirama Blade LVL: [790]

TAI [3,500]

RYO [500,000]

1/10 9:40 AM/PM On top of the Final Valley mountain. AlphiramaBladeLocation
Sound Flute Sound Flute LVL: 760

TAI [2,500]

RYO [800,000]

1/10 7:40 AM/PM Near the shrine in Orochimaru's hideout. SoundFluteLocation
Umpire Guitar Umpire Guitar LVL: 625

TAI [2,400]

RYO [175,000]

1/10 11:10 AM/PM Near the shrine in Orochimaru's hideout. UmpireGuitarLocation
Kokotsu Blade KokotsuBlade LVL: [600]

TAI [500]

RYO [160,000]

1/10 4:10 AM/PM Under a tree near the Obelisk Village's arena. KokotsuBladeLocation
Obelisk Chi Blade ObeliskChiBlade LVL: [500]

TAI [2,500]

RYO [600,000]

1/10 11:25 AM/PM At the start of a bridge leading to the outskirts of Obelisk Village. ObeliskBladeLocation
SL2 Grass Tanto SL2 GrassTanto LVL: [770]

TAI [1,800]

RYO [550,000]

1/10 11:25 AM/PM Inside Orochimaru's Hideout. SL2GrassTantoLocation

Name Image Rarity Obtain Method Ryo Detailed Location Location Image
Jiso Seishin JisoSeishin 1/15 Boss Mission 1,000,000 On a rock, in the outskirts of the Obelisk Village JisoSeishinBossL
Kabu Cobra KabuC 1/15 Boss Mission 1,200,000 Beside the pit, in front of the entrance of the hideout in the Obelisk Village. KabuCobraBossL
Arahaki Jokei ArahakiC 1/15 Boss Mission 2,000,000 Located on a rock, near the river bank of the Final Valley in the Obelisk Village ArahakiJokeiBossL
Satoru Okami SatoruOkami 1/15 Boss Mission 800,000 Near one of the bridges of the Obelisk Village. SatoruOkamiBossL
Light Jokei LightC 1/30 Boss Mission 1,500,000 In the middle of the Damp Bone Forest in the Obelisk Village LightJokeiBossL

Name Image Requirements Rarity Spawn Time Detailed Location Location Image
Jokei Fist JokeiFist RELLCoin [25,000] 1/14 Boss Mission In the middle of the Damp Bone Forest in the Obelisk Village LightJokeiBossL
Hurricane Fist AirBlender RELLCoin [25,000] 1/14 Boss Mission Near one of the bridges of the Obelisk Village. SatoruOkamiBossL


  • The original name of Obelisk Village was Rock Village. It was later changed due to copyright issues.
Main Villages Ember VillageObelisk VillageNimbus VillageHaze VillageDunes VillageBlaze VillageJejunes Village
Sub Locations Training FieldsForest of EmbersDawn HideoutTempest VillageGreat Narumaki BridgeShindai ValleyVinlandMount MakiShikai ForestRyuji CaveEspada