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Ragnar is an Clan Bloodline with a rarity of 1/200. Ragnar's moveset consists of lightning manipulation to damage and shock enemies. It has a variation named Shiver-Ragnar.


Move Name Image Level Chi Ryo
Odin Style: Storm Breaker Ragnar1 200 520 500,000
Odin Style: True Thunder Ragnar2 400 1,600 1,000,000
Odin Style: Bifrost Counter Ragnar3 700 2,200 1,000,000


Move Name Image Chi Cooldown Description
Odin Style: Storm Breaker Ragnar1 22,000 20 seconds The user takes out an Odinson Breaker and raises it to the sky, causing lightning bolts to strike down on the location of their cursor, damaging and stunning enemies hit by them.
Odin Style: True Thunder Ragnar2 20,000 25 seconds The user covers their right hand in electricity and places it on the ground, creating streams of lightning in front of them that damage and shock enemies.
Odin Style: Bifrost Counter Ragnar3 30,000 20 seconds The user takes out an Odinson Breaker and holds it in front of then. Upon being attacked, the user teleports behind their attacker while a colorful beam of energy shines down on them, damaging them while leaving a rune-like pattern burned into the ground.


By holding C, the user can activate Ragnar's mode, which requires Bloodline Level 400. When Ragnar's mode is activated, the user dons a piece of blue armor that covers their torso, golden vambraces on their wrists, a golden belt and a red sash around their waist, and white shin guards with red line patterns. The user also emits electricity. This mode drains 50 MD per second.

Mode Stat Bonuses Requirement Description
Stage 1 +2,800 CHI
+2,800 NIN
+2,600 TAI
+2,600 HP
Level 400 While this mode is activated, the user's speed is significantly boosted, their dash is changed to a teleport, and they teleport towards the direction they are sprinting. Their melee attacks are now done with blasts of lightning, increasing their range and damage while allowing them to shock and stun enemies.

Pressing C while holding down right-click causes the user to channel electricity into both of their hands and dash forward at incredible speeds. Upon coming in contact with an enemy, the user teleports behind them while continuing to dash, electrocuting and damaging the enemy in the process. If the user clicks while dashing, they stop and put their hands down, creating a surge of electricity that damages and stuns enemies near them. This ability does not use Chi and has a cooldown of 20 seconds.

Pressing Q causes the user to dash forward while holding an Odinson Breaker. Upon contact with an enemy, the user punches them and knocks them to the ground before repeatedly chopping them with the weapon, with each strike being coupled with lightning bolts. This ability uses 20,000 Chi and has a cooldown of 30 seconds.



  • Ragnar's moveset is based on Thor from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
  • Ragnar's mode's design is partially based off the Fourth Raikage, A's attire.
Elemental Bloodlines BoilCrystalDustExplosionGold-SandIceApollo-SandLavaMudSandScorchStormWoodAshen-StormBlack-LightningClayPaperBoltBubbleSoundFrostInkInfernoVineEmeraldTyphoonAidens-Son-MudBloodTsunamiSmokeWebMenzaRagnarShiver-RagnarSurgeMagmaApol-SandFumeFizzPowderOcto-Ink
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Eye Bloodlines JokeiAkumaDokeiBankai-AkumaArahaki-JokeiShiver-AkumaRaion-AkumaSatori-AkumaSengokuTengokuRengokuRiser-AkumaRenshikiShindai-AkumaRaion-RengokuLight-JokeiDark-JokeiDeva-RengokuDeva-SengokuXeno-DokeiRenshiki-GoldForged-RengokuForged-SengokuRaion-SengokuSarachia-AkumaSarachia-GoldShindai-RengokuShindai-Rengoku-YangBankai-InfernoRaion-AzureSatori-RengokuSatori-GoldRiser-InfernoDoku-TengokuDoku-ScorpionGold-JokeiSengoku-InfernoTengoku-PlatinumObi-Ren-KengokuRaion-GaidenSengoku-GaidenRenshiki-RubyGura-RengokuShindai-RamenXeno-AzureIndra-AkumaIndra-Akuma-PurpleKamaki-AkumaKamaki-InfernoRaiden-SaberuRaiden-Gold