Shindo Life Wiki

Hi guys. i made an blodline idea, so i want to tell you what it would be like. Name: Shiver-Senko( this bloodline would be mix of shiver element, shiver akuma, and senko) Rarity:1/270

1st move: Time style:dimensional rush Damage:60k Cooldown:23 When move used you will rush to your oppoment at really high speed leaving a purple electric trail behind you. when u reach enemy you would grab him, dealing 5k dmg, and than the logo of bloodline would appear like shiver akuma and teleport you guys to other dimension, that teleport deals 55k damage, dimension look like shiver akumas 1st move and u cant do nothing it it.

2nd move: Time style:shiver dimension clap Damage:25k Cooldown:10 When move used, you will clap with hands, and all of sudden, the shiver electricity will just appear arround oppoment stunning them, but not by shiver, when shiver element appears, oppoment will take 15k of dmg, and then the logo of bloodline will appear at him making him stunned, u can combo him while in that stun, its like genjutsu, and lasts about 3 seconds.

3nd move: Time style: Shivering illusional blaze Damage:56k Cooldown:29 When move used, u wil make an shiver ball, and throw it in the air, it will dissapear after 20 seconds if not activated, theres two ways to activate it, the first way is if the oppoment hit you, then it will be actibated as a counter, and second way is to aim at traget and click the move again. now what move acctualy does is that it shoots a really fast but thin shiver laser, which stun oppoment and slam them down dealing 56k damage, letting you combo extend.

so mode has 2 stages and every stage is good besides the first one is unique as it doesnt give you susanoo, it gives u superpowers. So the stats of all modes are: 2500nin 2300tai 3400chi 2100health mode can be equipped at z

First stage: Damage:37k Cooldown:26 z spec: When move activated u will shoot two very thin and fast shiver beams from your eyes, if oppoment get hit, the kinda big purple ball will appear above his head, ih ball clicked it will start firring a blockable, but fast laser, which last 5 seconds and stunnlocking the enemy, giving you time to combo extend them q spec: Damage:45k Cooldown:50 As forst stage gives you a smal; shiver katana and kunai, why dont use them. When the move is activated, u will pull out your katana, and teleporting beihnd your oppoment, if they get hit, they will get teleported into another dimension, for five seconds, but u cant hit them while they are there. e spec: Damage:15k Cooldown:10 Thiw will be maybe the most annoying part of bloodline, when this spec used you wil pull out your kunai made of shiver, and throwing it to target, it has a bit of aim assist, and it is blockable, but very fast. When hit eneny, they will take 1k damage from hit, 5k from shviver shock, and 9k from dimensional stun, this works like a genjutsu, but stunning for only one second, so it wont get TOO op

Stage 2: Passive, u get an purple sussano, raions colour, but purple lightning shocks are coming out of it. M1s are different tho, as you use your shiver sword to m1. z spec: Damage:30k Cooldown:21 When moce activated, your susanno will slam ground making an AOE purple explosion with texture of dunes karma explosion, this doesnt have any other effect q spec: Damage:30k Cooldown:14 When move activated, your susanoo will teleport behind them, punching them up and then teleporting aagin and slaming them down, like it laddered them when they get slammed down, the logo of bloodline appears at them stunning them for 1 and half second e spec: Damage:60k Cooldown:35 When move activated, u throw 6 shiver kunais at enemy they get 5k damage each hit, and get stunned for 0.6 seconds, that time takes u to teleport above them and start firring your shiver electycity, burrning the s**t ofu of them , and dealing 30k dmg, more, and at end it slams them down, they get stunned by shiver electricity btw, but just for second and half, so you can combo extend after it, and this move has 0.4 seconds endlag so yea thats all for this bloodline comcept, pls say me what you think, i will make more of these i have bunch of ideas.

New bloodline[]

Hi guys, i made a new bloodline so heres what i made. Name:Shizen-Rengoku Rarity:1/210

1st move: Rengoku style: Wooden draining


Damage:45k Cooldown:21 When this move used, your hands will become wooden, and if you aim at target, they will start to extend really fast going to that target, when they reach it, one hand will impale enemy, dealing 20k, and then u will use your rinnegan abillity called universal pull to pull them to you, that is dealing 15k more, and then u would been grabbing them on their neck, and slamming them down but next to you, dealing 10k. The first part with wooden hand drain theit chi for 35k, and their moded for 1k.

2nd move: Rengoku style: Buddhas bind Damage:50k Cooldown:23 This move is unblockable stun.When move used, you will use your summoning scroll very fast, and it will summon a mid height buddha statue behind the oppoment, the buddha statue will grab oppoment and squeeze it to its chest, stunning them for 4 seconds and dealing 50k.

3rd move: Rengoku style: Regenerationing plant Damage:30k Cooldown:34 When this move activated, you wil get an wooden armor, which looks like knights armor, when aimed to target and clicked move again, an wooden hand will come out of floor and throw you to oppoment really fast, if oppoment dont block, you will grab their neck, and with other arm, you will impale them through their heart. When finished this grab, you will throw them away. This deals them 30k and heals you that amount of hp, if used on teammate, u will take 30k and heal your teammate for that amount too.

This bloodline has 1 stage of mode, and i will really quick show you guys stats 3000nin 3500chi 2000tai 2900health Yea ik stats are really good, but this is really op bloodline i mean like why not. Mode can be equipped at c

c spec Damage:50k Cooldown:50 When move used, your chest will vecome wooden, and then it will open, letting some poisoon free, that poison is like liquid, and it can be controlled, it goes really fast, and it will go to the neraby enemy, when enemy reached, it will trap them, and after 3 seconds of them stunned, explode, and teal 50k at impact

q spec: Damage:29k Cooldown:15 When move activated, you will fire a small fast, aim assisted thin purple shiver laser, which stuns enemy and add burning effect to them.

e spec: Damage:40k Cooldown:24 When this move used, you will make an wooden axe from your hand, but this axe has some gravitational power, you will use that axe for m1ing at first, and it will give you dmmg boost on m1s like sussanoo does, but if button pressed again, you will throw axe at enemy, then the rocks from floor will start trapping enemy intoo a ball, which when finished, start going in the air and exploding, dealing 40k on impact, this mov needs 9.3 seconds to finish, so it can be used to heal and charge chi, and it can be used as a combo finisher

Thank you for reading. pls say me watch you think and bye.