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Sun-Kenjutsu, or Sun Ken Style is a Kenjutsu with a rarity of 1/25. Its moveset revolves around fast area-of-effect attacks that burn enemies. Having this Kenjutsu equipped gives the user's weapon a radiating fire-like trail when attacking and blocking.


Move Name Image Level Chi Ryo
Ken Style: Radiating Slash KenSun1 300 550 100,000
Ken Style: Radiating Maul KenSun2 750 2,700 300,000
Ken Style: Radiating Ignition KenSun3 1,400 3,000 500,000
Ken Style: Sun Blade Dance KenSun4 1,700 5,000 500,000


Move Name Image Stamina Cooldown Description
Sun-Kenjutsu Q KenSun 6,500 17 seconds The user holds their Kenjutsu Blade, which is enveloped in fire. After a few seconds, or if they click on a nearby enemy, they dash towards the target while leaving a trail of flaming slashes behind them. The user rapidly slashes their sword, releasing flaming slashes around them while creating sun-like fireballs on the target, damaging enemies around them multiple times and burning them with fire, which deals ticks of damage over a few seconds.
Move Name Image Chi Cooldown Description
Ken Style: Radiating Slash KenSun1 15,000 20 seconds The user quickly charges forward as they rapidly spin while leaving a spiralling flame trail behind them, before doing a vertical slash, unleashing a flurry of fire slashes around them that deal area-of-effect damage to surrounding enemies and trip them.
Ken Style: Radiating Maul KenSun2 20,000 18 seconds The user leaps into the air and generates three sun-like fireballs around them. They then dive towards the direction of the cursor while leaving behind a trail of fire. Upon impact, the user unleashes a flurry of slashes around them, dealing damage to nearby enemies. The fireballs then crash onto the user's location, dealing damage separately while burning the enemies.
Ken Style: Radiating Ignition KenSun3 30,000 25 seconds The user creates two large fireballs and shoots them towards the direction of the cursor before spinning around to generate a ring of fire around them, which deals damage. Immediately afterwards, the user quickly charges forward as they rapidly spin while leaving a spiralling flame trail behind them, before delivering a horizontal slash that creates a flurry of slashes around them upon contact with an enemy, dealing area-of-effect damage. Meanwhile, the fireballs continuously deal damage to enemies near them and disappear a few seconds later.
Ken Style: Sun Blade Dance KenSun4 25,000 30 seconds The user leaps into the air while twisting their body as they create a pillar of fire around them, dealing damage before diving down, creating an explosion of slashes that deal damage again upon impact.




Kenjutsu WindWaterThunderFlameMistMoonSunInfernoBlood MoonShiverSound
Related NPCs Kenjutsu Trainer