Thunder-Kenjutsu, or Thunder Ken Style is a Kenjutsu with a rarity of 1/7. Its moveset revolves around electrocution and fast attacks. Having this Kenjutsu equipped gives the user's weapon a yellow electricity-like trail when attacking and blocking. It has a variation named Shiver-Kenjutsu.
The user holds their Kenjutsu Blade, which is enveloped in electricity. After a few seconds, or if they click on a nearby enemy, they dash towards the target while leaving a trail of lightning behind them. The target is damaged multiple times and stunned with electricity.
Move Name
Ken Style: Barrier Breaker
15 seconds
The user rushes forward and vanishes, leaving a trail of lightning behind them. After striking enemies and stunning them with electricity, the user reappears and delivers a horizontal slash.
Ken Style: Mach One
25 seconds
The user rushes forward and vanishes, followed by a lightning bolt. Upon approaching enemies, the user rapidly teleports and attacks them simultaneously, damaging each of them twice and briefly stunning them with electricity while leaving a trail of lightning behind them. On the last target, the user reappears and delivers a vertical slash, damaging them a third time.
Ken Style: Mach Burst
26 seconds
The user rushes forward and vanishes, leaving a trail of lightning behind them. After coming in contact with a target, the user reappears and delivers a horizontal slash, before rapidly teleporting around them, slashing them multiple times, creating yellow crescent-shaped slashes. Afterwards, the user swings their horizontal slash, knocking the target back.
Ken Style: Final Demise
30 seconds
The user rushes into the air and vanishes, seemingly transforming into a bolt of lightning, before rushing towards nearby enemies, stunning and damaging them multiple times simultaneously.